Free Stock Photos
A good image that you can use on a website is priceless. But what when you are on a budget, or simply the amount of photos you need far exceeds what you can spend. When you are a small business owner or an amateur blogger, it’s not always in your best interest to pay a lot of money for a photograph. Especially when you need lots of photos – which is the case most of the time.
Here’s the list of a few great websites where you can find high quality photos for your blog or company website. Make sure to read a bit about licenses first.
Death to the Stock
Quite recently releasing great quality stock photos for free became a next new THING. All this is possible thanks to talented authors who are willing to share the fruit of their work without a charge. It’s really nice alternative for the paid stock photo banks where all the photograph look the same, and cost a lot of dough.
Gratisography – stylish photo filters deviating from the traditional style of the saturated colors in stock photography, but just as, if not more, beautiful. Photos are available under the Creative Commons license. All are in large sizes and can be used both for private and commercial use. (Do I need to remind you that despite what you read here you need to read the license?:])
Death To the Stock – At the moment in which I’m writing this post, the home page is still under construction. However this does not mean that you can’t subscribe to the newsletter and receive pack of 10 selected images per month straight to your inbox.
Unsplash – Download for free, do what you want. 10 Photographs every 10 days. The best free photography source out there.
Littlevisuals – Free download, do what you want. 7 images every week with the possibility of receiving photo packs via email for newsletter subscribers.
Picjumbo – The author of the website is Viktor Hanacek whose love for design and good photography made him share his work for free. Of course, an attribution with a link to the author’s website is welcome, though not necessary. New pictures every day. That’s what you call a passion :-)
Nice list, try also there are beautiful free photos.
Great collection – thanks for sharing!
Wonderful list!
I am a passionate graphic artist and support the creative community by supplying free stock images on my site. My website Is named Blogpiks and I give skilled artwork for free without any copyright constraints. Simply top quality design and simple downloads…
My endeavor may be seen at
I’d feel honored if you could add me to your report.
Thanks for sharing Stu!