WordPress plugins that can ease your work
WordPress is a great CMS for all kinds of websites – not only blogs. But because it was created with blogging in mind, it’s missing few features that good CMS should have. Luckily there are plugins that we can use for that.
Here is a list of plugins that we usually install on our clients websites, that makes work with WordPress a bit easier.
1. Intuitive Custom Post Order
This plugin allows you to change the order of pages or posts via “drag and drop” directly on the list. You just need to remember to set for which posts types this option should be available. For that, just go to the “Intuitive CPO” settings.
2. Duplicate post
If you have a lot of pages with similar scheme or content (for example subpages with some kind of offer) – you could use some “duplicate me” option. The “Duplicate post” plugin is perfect for that. It will clone a page/post with all options like categories, tags, template. You can even duplicate the whole structure of pages (page with all subpages) if you set this option in settings. It’s definitely one of the best plugins out there.
3. CMS Tree Page View
When you have only a few pages on your website, default page list is enough. However, if your site structure grew a lot, finding the subpage you want to update can be challenging. You could use a search form, but “it’s easier” to just look it up on the list – I do that too ;o) This is when “CMS Tree Page View” comes into play. It creates a simple tree view of our website. All subpages are collapsed by default and we can toggle them back and forth. You can also change the order from this view, go to edit or view page. This is a must for bigger websites.
4. WP Media Folder
After awhile of using WordPress there is only one thing you can say about your media library: a mess. Finding anything in “a big bag” is a real problem. Here even a search form won’t help you, because you usually don’t know the filename. It would be nice to have a plugin that will help us organise all files like we do it on our computer. This is actually one of those things I think should be available in WordPress by default. But anyway, there is a plugin called WP Media Folder that do just that. It’s not free, and there is a subscription for updates, but nonetheless, it’s very useful.
5. Enhanced Media Library
If you want similar functionality that WP Media Folder have, but in “free” option, you could use Enhanced Media Library plugin. In the free version you can’t make bulk changes, so using this plugin will be more time consuming. But, if you need something free to help you organise those files, this plugin can help you with that.
6. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget – now obsolete
Do you have a sidebar on your website? Maybe you want to add a text block with some informations, links to social profiles etc. There is a widget with a text block available, but in order to add a link, make something bold, you need to add HTML tags. And you are not using a CMS because you are fluent in HTML, right? That’s why we have WYSIWYG editors. Not sure why there isn’t a WYSIWYG widget by default in WP, but if you want one, then get the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget. With this awesome plugin you can edit your text blocks in sidebar the same way you are editing your posts.
After many years, this functionality is in WordPress core, and you don’t need to install any plugin for this. But this plugin was a must have and authors deserve a huge thank you.
That’s all for now. If you use a plugin you think should be on this list, let me know in a comment.